Maths for early years

Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: Quarter Past & Quarter To. Interactive
Tick-Tock The Alligator: Telling The Time: Quarter Past (15) & Quarter To (45). Interactive Google Slides + PPT + 2 worksheets. Distance Learning
Interactive Google Slides Quiz/ Powerpoint Presentation on - Telling the time. Quarter past (15) and Quarter To (45). Please watch the preview video to understand how this products work.
40 Questions Total (121 Slides Total)
10 Questions - 15 Quarter Past - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 15 Quarter Past - Guess The Analog
10 Questions - 45 Quarter To - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 45 Quarter To - Guess The Analog
This product could be used for distance learning at home, google classroom or within the classroom on a smartboard.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Telling the time: 15 and 45 Analog to Digital’ + ‘Telling the time: 15 and 45 Digital to Analog’ These are word .docx file and will need to be printed out.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkticktockthealligatortellingthetime15&45”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
121 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Telling The Time, Clocks, Math, Quarter Past, Quarter To, 15, 45 Clock face, Interactive Games

Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: 5 minutes & 1 minute. Interactive
Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: 5 minutes & 1 minute. Interactive
Interactive Google Slides Quiz/ Powerpoint Presentation on - Telling the time. to five minutes (05) and to 1 minute (01). Please watch the preview video to understand how this products work.
40 Questions Total (121 Slides Total)
10 Questions - 05 Five Minutes - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 05 Five Minutes - Guess The Analog
10 Questions - 01 Minute - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 01 Minute - Guess The Analog
This product could be used for distance learning at home, google classroom or within the classroom on a smartboard.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Telling the time: 05 minute and 1 minute Analog to Digital’ + ‘Telling the time: 05 minutes and 1 minute Digital to Analog’ These are word .docx file and will need to be printed out.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkticktockthealligatortellingthetime05&01”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
121 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Telling The Time, Clocks, Math, Five minutes, One Minutes, 1 minutes, 5 minutes